Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Sister Lexi Trask

From So. Cal. To the Sticks

"Sister Trask... You will be serving in the Tennessee Nashville mission." Little did I know what I was getting myself into. This little Southern California girl was going to travel to the other side of the country to a place she's never been, to serve people she's never met, for no pay, for 18 months. About four months later, I arrived...First time ever being in Tennessee. I was assigned to serve in Princeton, Kentucky. Wherever that was... I found out after getting off the freeway that it was in the middle of nowhere... Aka, the Sticks. "Sister!" I exclaimed to my new companion, Sister Boyle, that I only just met a couple of hours ago, "Where are we?! This is crazy! We are in the middle of nowhere! THIS IS CRAZY!!" I said this all the way to our apartment. It was a mixture of excitement, yet, I thought I was out of my mind, and I think Sister Boyle thought so too. Everyone figures out pretty quick I'm not from here... Bright blonde hair, no southern accent...I tell them that I'm from Southern California. They then ask what in the world brought me to this little blink your eye and you'll miss it town. I tell them that I am there to share the message of the Restored gospel of Jesus Christ!
The only thing that helped me with this transition, was the knowledge that even though I was surrounded by people who were, lets be real here, a bunch of red-necks, we all had the same strong belief of Jesus Christ's Restored gospel. Even though I am now thousands of miles away from home, I still feel at peace and at home knowing that what I'm learning here in this small branch in Princeton Kentucky, is the same in my big beach community in Southern California.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the same no matter where you go, whether it's in Australia, India, England, etc. Even in the Baptist South! How is this possible? The SAME Church set up by Christ is on the earth again because of LIVING, yes LIVING modern-day prophets and apostles. I love this verse in the Book of Mormon found in 2 Nephi 27, verse 23... "For behold, I am God; and I am a God of miracles; and I will show unto the world that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and I work not among the children of men save it be according to their faith." God still lives and gives us revelation for our day. What an amazing message that I get the privilege to share every day in this little town in Kentucky!

Sister Trask

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