Thursday, June 5, 2014

Elder Daniel Wells

Serving here in Kentucky, my companion and I cover a full county and as a result, we have access to a full-time car. Having served in areas where we either share a car with another set of missionaries or have no car at all, I recognize this as a great blessing. However, sometimes we forget how good the Lord is to us and pride starts to take over. That is exactly what happened to me.

Not too long ago, we just finished a visit with a member when we prepared to back out of their driveway. I walked around the back of our car to make sure nothing was in the way. The dirt driveway was designed that one would be able to make a two-point turn in the driveway so that when they exited onto the road they would be able to pull out going forward instead of backwards. I executed the two-point turn, with my companion backing me, and I thought I had backed far enough to finish the turn. I failed to notice the 6-inch stump in my driving path, though my companion saw it and tried to tell me to go further back to allow myself extra space. I was confident that I knew what I was doing and began pulling forward. One second later, I proceeded to hit the stump, smashing the center bottom of the bumper and tearing it apart on the passenger side. Although the bumper was damaged, the car was safe to drive home where we tied up the loose end with a shoelace.

Throughout the scriptures, we see the Lord repeatedly humble his children when they start to go astray (for examples see Exodus 10:3-6, 2 Chronicles 32:26, Matthew 23:12, Alma 32:16, and D&C 54:3). Such is the case with me. I forgot the great blessing we had in a car and I was starting to become a little carefree in my driving. In a very jarring way, the Lord reminded me of the importance of safe driving, staying humble, and listening to your companion while backing!

Fortunately for me, the damage was minimal and I am allowed to keep my driving privileges. However, I will always remember this firm lesson in remembering the Lord in all we do. Missionary work is His work. His purposes should be my purposes. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord’s church. He leads it, He guides it, and every now and then, He reminds us of who is in charge. I bear this testimony in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, amen.